Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  |Oh.. y |  ea  |h-ah,  Volv | o
Yea  |h... dap-dap  |       shoo-wo  |p,  oh | 
        Little boy, lift your head and carry on
        We're gonna save your life with an a cappella song
        With a scooby scoob and a bap chooiah
        Little boy, you're gonna be just fine
        Oooo Woolen Hats
        Ahhhh Bap, Leather Straps
      Ooh... Smile
   Look on your face like you know Jesus personally
    (So what makes a cappella so cool?
Well,  *   you only need your voice
      And nothing else!)
          We don't need any drums
          All we need is John       n.c. || 
          We don't need any trum      -    pet
when we've got   Tom                                       
          We don't even need an U   - ber app
We just bap
Open   up
Take me   home; here it is, now   stop.
That is a cappella to me.
  Boodelooap, boodelooap
Boodelooap,   boodelooap
Everybody's wondering why we're singing
  That's be  cause they've never tasted
  Boo - delooap
Nigerian soft drink
Boodeloo  ap
One sip and you never go back
  Boodeloo  ap!
   Now, let's go fight those bu  llies
With a cappella's strongest weapon  
   It's the, 'we can do any style' trick
   Come on
   Rock, rock, mm, rock, oh-ohh...
   Ooh, rock you
Come on
  Yo yo yo, gangsta man
  My    vocal cords is   my gun.
  Ski-bi-di bi-bi-di bi-bi-di bi-bi-di bip, pa-pow!
   Hey G-man, come on the tour bus and live the dream l  ife with us
"Oh sorry G-man, I want to stay here wit  h the gang
I know it's a tough life, but it's   my life."
Oh G-man, I hope you learned something today
  "You bet! Don't worry about me now."
I   don't, I trust in you, you know a cappella now.
  "I do?"
But hey, before I leave - give me   a style and an artist.
"Michael Jackson? Samba?"
You got it!
Your   butt is mine
Gonna tell you right
Just show your face
In broad daylight
I'm telling you
On how I feel
Gonna hurt your mind
Don't shoot to kill...


Dodoplessis, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2018-05-02
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